Today A1PAINTCO-tm is a Wholesale Paint Manufacturer. The business is a Tribute to Founder Ben T. and son Sherwin T. Metro Automotive opened in Manhattan NYC after 1917. As an early Acme, SW, DuPont, Ditzler-PPG and International GM Parts Distributor. Founder Ben assisted Cousin Larry Mobile's first Jobber Store selling Ditzler PPG Products in Daytona Beach Florida 1985. Larry's first warehouse opened in Brooklyn NY selling R-M Alpha-Cryl Lacquer, becoming #1 in sales and then introduced the BASF Diamont Urethane to Brooklyn New York 1989. The Founder of Matrix System Kent Gardener authorized the opening of A1PAINTCO as one of the first MATRIX SYSTEM DISTRIBUTORS in Fort Lauderdale Florida 2001. Today Matrix System Coast-to-Coast and Matrix Edge Products are available to you from our Port Orange Florida Warehouse and Warehouses located Nationwide. Today, A1PAINTCO-tm Premium Basecoat Toners are here to use for MATRIX MPB COAST-TO-COAST and PPG DELTRON DMD Mix System Toners.